The address of Nokha (Bikaner) Regional Transport Office in Rajasthan which has registration number plate starts with RJ-50. You can also contact the Nokha (Bikaner) RTO through the Phone Number or Email ID which is listed below.

CityNokha (Bikaner)
AddressNokha, Bikaner, Rajasthan – 334803

Rajasthan RTO Details

RJ-01 RTO RegistrationRJ-21 RTO RegistrationRJ-41 RTO Registration
RJ-02 RTO RegistrationRJ-22 RTO RegistrationRJ-42 RTO Registration
RJ-03 RTO RegistrationRJ-23 RTO RegistrationRJ-43 RTO Registration
RJ-04 RTO RegistrationRJ-24 RTO RegistrationRJ-44 RTO Registration
RJ-05 RTO RegistrationRJ-25 RTO RegistrationRJ-45 RTO Registration
RJ-06 RTO RegistrationRJ-26 RTO RegistrationRJ-46 RTO Registration
RJ-07 RTO RegistrationRJ-27 RTO RegistrationRJ-47 RTO Registration
RJ-08 RTO RegistrationRJ-28 RTO RegistrationRJ-48 RTO Registration
RJ-09 RTO RegistrationRJ-29 RTO RegistrationRJ-49 RTO Registration
RJ-10 RTO RegistrationRJ-30 RTO RegistrationRJ-50 RTO Registration
RJ-11 RTO RegistrationRJ-31 RTO RegistrationRJ-51 RTO Registration
RJ-12 RTO RegistrationRJ-32 RTO RegistrationRJ-52 RTO Registration
RJ-13 RTO RegistrationRJ-33 RTO Registration
RJ-14 RTO RegistrationRJ-34 RTO Registration
RJ-15 RTO RegistrationRJ-35 RTO Registration
RJ-16 RTO RegistrationRJ-36 RTO Registration
RJ-17 RTO RegistrationRJ-37 RTO Registration
RJ-18 RTO RegistrationRJ-38 RTO Registration
RJ-19 RTO RegistrationRJ-39 RTO Registration
RJ-20 RTO RegistrationRJ-40 RTO Registration