Amazon has recently launched Alexa which is a virtual assistant which is capable of doing many things like voice interaction, music playback, making to-do lists and many more. It is so convenient to use that you say “Alexa …” using Alexa as a preface and your instructions will be performed. Basically, Alexa sends the voice recording to the Amazon Servers and on getting the answers of the same, it reverts back. While these voice recordings are sent, they remain at the Amazon Servers for infinite time till the time you opt to delete the same. Amazon keeps the recording for improving the accuracy of the results which ultimately serve the purpose of a customer in a better way.

You can always turn off the microphone if you are concerned that Alexa is always listening to you. Also, you can delete your recording from Alexa app by following the below-mentioned step:
Select Settings>>Alexa Account>>History>>Select Recording>>Delete
In-app you have the option to listen to these recordings as well.
You can also delete the recordings while navigating to the web browser via Manage your Content and Devices>>Select Your Devices tab>>Select your Alexa device>>Select Manage Recordings>>DELETE
This has to be done manually if in case you want to delete your recording from Alexa.
Amazon has recently launched a new voice control option via which you can delete all your recordings via voice i.e. You say “ Alexa delete everything that I said today” and all your recordings of the day would get deleted. For this, you have to enable a feature in Alexa app so that conversations get deleted via voice i.e. delete conversation by voice.
This can be done by navigating to the path Settings>>Alexa Account>>Alexa Privacy>>Review Voice History>>Enable deletion by voice.
Your last voice recording can be deleted when you say “Alexa delete what I just said”.
These are some of the simple ways by which you can delete your saved recordings from Alexa and live your life without panicking and at ease. Data is a new oil and we need to be very cautious when it comes to sharing the data with any of the applications. With an increase in cases of data insecurity and breach, it has become the responsibility of every citizen to protect and preserve its data.