The address of Jaipur South Regional Transport Office in Rajasthan which has registration number plate starts with RJ-14. You can also contact the Jaipur South RTO through the Phone Number or Email ID which is listed below.

CityJaipur South
AddressJaipur, Rajasthan – 302001

Rajasthan RTO Details

RJ 01 RTO RegistrationRJ 16 RTO RegistrationRJ 32 RTO Registration
RJ 02 RTO RegistrationRJ 17 RTO RegistrationRJ 33 RTO Registration
RJ 03 RTO RegistrationRJ 18 RTO RegistrationRJ 36 RTO Registration
RJ 04 RTO RegistrationRJ 19 RTO RegistrationRJ 37 RTO Registration
RJ 05 RTO RegistrationRJ 20 RTO RegistrationRJ 38 RTO Registration
RJ 06 RTO RegistrationRJ 21 RTO RegistrationRJ 39 RTO Registration
RJ 07 RTO RegistrationRJ 22 RTO RegistrationRJ 40 RTO Registration
RJ 08 RTO RegistrationRJ 23 RTO RegistrationRJ 41 RTO Registration
RJ 09 RTO RegistrationRJ 25 RTO RegistrationRJ 42 RTO Registration
RJ 10 RTO RegistrationRJ 26 RTO RegistrationRJ 45 RTO Registration
RJ 11 RTO RegistrationRJ 27 RTO RegistrationRJ 47 RTO Registration
RJ 12 RTO RegistrationRJ 28 RTO RegistrationRJ 49 RTO Registration
RJ 13 RTO RegistrationRJ 29 RTO RegistrationRJ 50 RTO Registration
RJ 14 RTO RegistrationRJ 30 RTO RegistrationRJ 51 RTO Registration
RJ 15 RTO RegistrationRJ 31 RTO RegistrationRJ 52 RTO Registration